Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Cringe @ dark eyebrows/blonde hair
  2. Qt
  3. Dark/blonde look works well in this ️
  4. Ayyy thank you, thank you ️
  5. No I don’t know where I put my book full of dog filter faces.
  6. MCM 
  7. for kefo
  8. Ive memorized your face structure enough to say I can recognize you even when my eyes are closed @Hailey
  9. Stunningly beautiful
  10. Try looking away a tad more
  11. no keep looking at me i thrive off attention
  12. I am bound to not look away. Caught the hailey syndrome
  13. there's actually a disease called "hailey hailey disease" and its like a skin condition. causes rash
  14. Well, it won’t be a creative rash at least.
  15. negative attention is still attention so i win

  16. This is my newest dress. I spend too much money on dresses tbh also someone was complaining about filters so here ?
  17. Hi im a dress model agent. Pm me more samples pls
  18. Yes hello, before I pm what will be my hourly pay?

  19. Hi, yes, well I only get paid 2 pesos a day..... will you take 0.5 pesos? I gotta feed my pimd fiancee, sorry
  20. Can I at least keep the dresses :(