Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Pretty sure she was joking.
  2. If I was to pick the closest avi that you look similar to, it would be the male rocker one from awhile back. Kinda close, I think. Maybe it’s just the little shrub under chin that makes you similar.
  3. [imgift][/imgift]
    Did i do it right?
  5. Thank you
  6.  Nice shot
  8. Thanks its on the tale of the dragon in TN
  9. 
  10. Bless us more. Tysm
  11. ur so pretty !!!!
  12. No filter cause why not ?? (had 2 put a border cause i didn’t like how large it was even with imgfit LMAO)
  13. Check my ava then =)
  14. Yeah that one 
  15. wcw?!
  16. o ive never been anyone’s wcw before. i’m flattered.
  18. Adorable? YES