Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Gorgeous
  2. Some more than others
  3. im the most attention seeking. please love me
  4. same.
  5. Honestly same 
  6. No. only me. stop faking. ik u wanna be me but I'm the only Me ?
  7. But ur so cute ofc i wanna be u :(
  8. oooo that sweet attention ???

  9. Oh my Lord
  10. jopos cheating on meeeee :(
  11. At least he has decent taste. Join in.
  12. mood
  13. That girl has 90% chance of stealing anyone’s man on the game... don’t feel too bad bendz.
  14. as long as he comes back to me in the end :eek:
  15. ouch
  16. Is there a roasting thread ? ?
  17. There’s been threads that attempted to roast. They were not good though
  18. You're free to roast or ask to be roasted
  19. Roast me
  20. How is that perverted?