Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Bootiful ️️️️
    Rate 12/10 ️
  2. Like grow them out? Or color them in?
  4. Why are all y’all so pretty ️️️️
  5. Both, mom.
  6. If you can’t grow them out, you can color in. Sometimes you can do simple tricks to make them look natural. If you decide to color them in I recommend the expensive Anastasia dipbrow pomade
  7. But that’s like the only flaw I see. You look great
  9. [ imgift ] [ /imgift ]

    I hope this works: my dramatic graduation shoot  I played along photographers requests
  10. Fixed
  11. Congrats on your graduation of stuff ?
  12. Learn where to type you disgusting pervert
  13. :D

  14. I promise I am not an attention digger but this was the photo I wanted to post...makes for correct context of previous caption.
  15. Be honest pls. Everyone in this thread is an attention whòre
  16. Thank you!
  17. Very true, but I really wanted to post graduation photo cause it’s badass, paid for it too. But then I keep getting mixed up with uploads and posted more then I wanted too ?
  18. :lol: post more
  19. I'm sad that image is die. She was pretty