Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

    I thought I was looking fierce
  2. If you use imgfit instead it will fix the sizing ?
  3. you have nice bone structure
  4. Ur aesthetic af, makes me wanna draw

  5. Just how Jacoff likes em.
  6. You don’t remember me? I’m heartbroken :(

    I didn’t mean heartbroken is my actual name btw...just gonna clear that up now?
  7. it’s not that i don’t remember you, it’s that your current username is unfamiliar to me and i have no way to indicate who you are.

  8. x-Yuri-x
  9. O. I probably changed my name then ?I think my old ign was IHateYouAll before you left
  10. x-FloccinaucinihiIipiIification-x

  11. hai
  12. That's Jopo actually

  13. I'm Floccito
  14. I love your tat :)
  15. No. You get off to those types of fantasies.
  16. I bet you do love her tat?
  17. It's probably too late to fix it, but thank you for the advice! I was having trouble with sizing ?
  18. Thank you ️
  19. That's so sweet of you!! Thank you ️️️