Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. they’re gone. i stole them 
  2. *cries in arpee*
  3. Me all ready to go out an hour ago.

    I just got home a few mins ago tho because my heels were cutting into my toes and i need to change shoes ☹
  4. Cute cute cute cute
  5. Are you balding, Wed ?
  6. No you àsshat my hair is thick af. When i take a shower a lot of the top hairs are rly light and seethrough
  7. did you actially want to go out tonight?
  9. I did/do with comfy shoes.

  10. o sori :(
  11. also as always i love ur tat wednesdat
  12. Ty~just waiting on our ride to come back.

    Is there a colour version of your pic hailey? The red hair is iconic we need to see it
  13. I promise I’m a catfish

  14. here. i prefer the black n white version myself
  15. Are you a ginger or is that just the lighting?
  16. You're pretty both ways
  17. thanks! you're pretty yourself ?
  18. You found back your colors, you look lovely!
  19. thanks emi!