Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Post more food please.
  2. fixed. use imgfit instead of img

  3. Do you actually read before responding? :lol:

    I wasnt commenting on whether you are black or not Im saying you have the same sort of mindset but towads the lgbtq community. Just because you have gay friends doesnt mean you are not homophobic or comments you make are not transphobic

  4. Ahh thank you lovely ?
  5. no problem!
  6. I don't understand how y'all can misinterpret anything I've typed? I don't have any issues with any groups of people. I'm an African American male living in the U.S. What y'all think I have against LGBTQ members makes the discrimination against my people look an infinite times worse. None of you have actually been discriminated against by the way y'all make these false accusations against me. If I had something against them, I would address them in a less civil manner. As a minority, commonly discriminated against for the large amount of melanin in my skin, I have to politely ask for the discriminatory slander to end. It's not funny, it's not cool, it's not cute. Some of us actually are discriminated against unlike those of you who use transphobic and homophobic as insults...
  7. Jaco, it would be in your best interest to just try to have self control and ignore comments. I know it's difficult but most often your responses do more damage to people's perception of you than the original alleged slander would do. You just keep digging yourself a grave.

    I understand you want to defend yourself, but I'm telling you that your current modus operandi to defend your honor does not work. I would like to think that you would agree that it doesn't work.

  8. As someone who claims to be discriminated against you would think that you would be sympathetic to others who experience discrimination too but instead you constantly bring up the fact that Kitten might be transgender( which by the way has nothing to do with you) and tell jopo to mow your lawn. Now if you can constantly make these comments in a derogatory way then clearly you have an issue.

    You say youre defending yourself and thats cool but there is no need to make vile comments about other peoples lives which you know nothing of.

    Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  9. Eww i typed too much. Im ashamed ☹
  10. 1) you’re right. not ~~everything straight~~ is overtly homo/transphobic. that’s not what i said.

    2) you HAVE said, done, and implied things that ARE overtly homo/transphobic. would you like me to go quote them because, unlike someone, i know how to give proof.

    3) trust me, we don’t want you in the gay squad.
  12. accidentally reposted.

  13. Good night and calm your minds already.
  14. Lemme bring my inner Kefo and essay you on my own history.

    Mate, I'm Chinese-Indonesian, and my parents still talk about the riot that happened back in Indonesia, 1998. Houses were burnt, people were raiped before they got killed. It's still a topic of conversation between me and my friends. "Where did you evacuate to? Did you lose anyone?" The government has always conspired against us because they think we're "outsiders" who wants to take their land. My own grandmother had to hear stories of her deceased friends from the riot. I grew up being warned to not mess with the locals. Heck, she still tells me how her own grandmother was "sold off" to be a man's wife.

    Our election is coming up soon, and there are already heavy rumours that another riot is going to occur. They're not happy that our current president is in good relationship with my people. They want to take him down, and if they don't, they'll use brute force, the same way they did in 1998. Friends and family are now planning on how and where to evacuate to at the time of election.

    And despite still being discriminated against in my everyday life, where the locals would walk past me calling me out for being Chinese, or having my own amazing teachers post about me and my people and wanting to rid them out, there are still traces of racism in me.

    If I find an entitled and ignorant fool, I joke of them being white. If I find the quality of a product to be terrible, I say "Must be produced in China". Yes, I make stereotypical jokes against my own people.

    I'm not proud of it, but I'm still discriminating against people of different races. Yes, maybe history has oppressed us much more than they have been, but it doesn't justify my own racism. We shouldn't be going back to history to hide the fact that we're all asshats.

    The least I could do to try to be a decent person is rise above that racism. If all I'm going to do is keep the hate I have against the locals strong, when will the riots ever end? I've put down my shield, I'm just waiting for them to do the same. That way, maybe we'll reach a point in the world where I can finally stop boring people with this sort of story.

    TL;DR: I'm a member of the oppressed and I'm still discriminatory.
  15. Also, are those real freckles?
  16. no its part of the filter
  17. Where do you people get all these filters? All I get is measly sc filters.
  18. Beauty plus and candy cam are good
  19. that filter is a sc filter