Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Damn, everything about you is so beautiful :0
  2. Ooops too big lol
  3. Fixed
  4. I thought the shirt said Plan B
  5. ?? i'm not the idiot who doesnt know what nonbinary means, so...

    also, trans women who are lesbians are still lesbians because trans women are women ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ dont have to be one to know that
  6. there IS plan B, have no fear
  7. ill catfìsh you anyday bbg
  8. Why does Jaco spread negativity in each and every thread? :(
  9. You kinda remind me of selena Gomez
  10. Lol if you ask anyone in the forum community to list of who is most toxic and causes the most issues. I bet 9/10 your name will be listed.

    Keep being delusional
  11. I thought Jaco didn’t believe in depression and tried to argue about it in other threads ??

    Now he’s trying to label others in forums depressed. Oh oh ok ️
  12. Hi ily ty for noticing me ?️
  13. You cute love the eyeliner

  14. Someone from the fairy land came to earth to spread love with her beautiful charms!
  15. because he's an insecure little man who has no fulfilment in his real life and clings to slinging attention-grabbing bigotry and half-baked insults at strangers online in public channels, knowing it will garner some semblance of a reaction that he can then claim as intentional and rewarding, since he knew it would harbor negative attention. it triggers a faux sense of accomplishment that simply being a civilized content contributor doesn't, because he gets off on his name being mentioned and can't manage to make that happen in a positive manner, which is why he obsessively stalks any channel that it could possibly come up in and does all he can to assure it does so he can 3-pump his next sad little load into the well-used sock on his nightstand.

    next question.
  16. Fixed ️

  17. I like my hair today '-'
    Yet not sure if I want a bob cut or nah °~°
  18. Alice please. This isn't a selfie thread. Smh my head