Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. I move on to the next topic when I feel like it.
  2. I try to give you a free pass and you take another jab... You should do more selfies with your arms in them... Frankenstein.
  3. my scars are years old and faded af, get a new insult. y'all have literally never come at me for anything else except the eaaaasiest bait. weak.

    also, frankenstein was a scientific genius ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Frankenstein is the doctor. Do you mean Frankenstein's monster?

  5. Fail
  6. Passive*
  8. Oops... I meant Igor. I'm not insulting you, just pointing out the obvious. I don't come at other guys, sorry, I'm not the guys you've cat.fished... weak? How so? Your insecurities to change your appearance, your defensive mechanism to defend your insecurities when they're pointed out by using false allegations, your loneliness, sadness, depression, and fear of me all mean that they're vital components to hurting your feelings, if I chose to use them to my advantage.

    Ahem... notice how, I don't mention the hate club, but y'all decide to mention me anyways and get active in arguments and pick fights on the internet with other people, then act all surprised when others don't support y'all biased, hypocritical ideas. You've got the ass kisser, the lawn mower, the abandoned kitten, the female version of the giant marshmallow villain from Ghost Busters, a feminine 14 year old boy, a third world borne 14 year old girl... Who cat.fishes like you do... and a few more irrelevant who kiss up to y'all. Y'all don't intimidate me. Y'all don't impress me. Y'all are helpless in the impossible mission of besting me. Rest assured that I will continue to laugh at the pathetic attempts.

    Oh, fun fact... I have addressed that I don't like your negative intentions, your toxic personality, your detestable demeanor, and your foul morals. Not once, have I actually roasted you. I haven't dissed your face nor your body once, because I am still being lenient. Now, I'm going to play, "Don't mention me and I won't go Ultra Instinct on offense." In simpler terms... stay in yo lane and you shall be spared from the onslaught you won't want to deal with.

    Now, treat referencing me as you and your opinion are treated in reality... immediately disregarded, put in an intangible box, never to be addressed, noticed nor acknowledged. Nobody cares, you don't even care yourself, so don't bring it up. Don't even consider yourself relevant when mentioning me. Treat this as if it's your harsh reality.

    Oh, instead of your internet "friends" egging you on and coming to the "rescue," try having them save you, but stating that you shouldn't fw someone beyond a level that you can ever imagine possible of reaching. Now smile, get a hobby, get a job, and get a life. Baka!
  9. I'm not passive. I'm mystic
  10. Like your life? You're not being paid to slack off. Tend to the weeds next
  11. That was a whole lot of typing just to say you’re unbothered. Ya know?
  12. Idk how to get bothered over the internet. I'm sorry I'm not a depressed adult. Do you hate me more now?
  13. No, my hatred towards you is kept at an equilibrium these days.
  14. Plotting already?? No sneaky tactics??

    I can't tell it's at an equilibrium with this calmness before the eruption attitude
  15. I mean I don’t really have a reason to explode right now, but okay.
  16. I'm not stupid. Out of all of them, you're the slickest. Every year, since I've known about you, it's been consistent. I won't be one of your victims. Give up hope on that one now.
  17. This is the first year I’ve spoke to you. No?

    Edit: o since you’ve known about me.
    That’s a little strange but alrighty then.

  18. Gotta keep the theme of the “selfie” thread alive ?
  19. There must be stupid written on my avatar...

    I can't even count your history of posting things onto forums with alts. You tried to get me before, but luckily, it wasn't me. You want me to think that this is the first year you've addressed me.

    How is it strange?? You don't remember or are you playing dumb?? Oh, I get it. "You failed the mission, so you act like it never happened." I see.