Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. jealous? at least it isnt an argument

    idek him this is my 1st time talking 2 him :(
  2. This is 2018 I take offense
    I will take my fence and leave ?
  3. That’s the spirit. First you don’t succeed, eat a donut, consign a fallacy, and try try try again.
  4. There’s a gratuitous lack of ugly selfies of late. Guys. Up your game.
  5. you post a selfie of yourself and then we'll have another ugly selfie

  6. Here you go, just for you x
  7. ^ :lol:
    that's great x
  8. You’ve always been one salty nut since I’ve been here.. ? Why don’t you post a selfie? Or let’s talk about the weird shit you ask for on campus..
  9. Ooo what does he ask for on campus
  10. Are you gonna Sigh on me again?
  11. yeah im curious af
  12. This thing is still going on wth ??‍♀️
  14. shameless bump as a reminder that i posted a selfie and have so far received 0 compliments.
  15. Qt <3
  16. Are you from Tennessee? Cause you’re the only ten I see ?
  17. You are ugly
  18. She’s not ugly tbh. She’s just extra young looking and probably going to be one of those white women that becomes supermodel librarian hot in like her 30’s and you’re going to wish you had hollered “back then”.
  19. Sent 