Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. O wow it hurts in the kokoro. :(
  2. come to pennsylvania and cuddle with me then and stop neglecting my needs. also reply to me on line
    bieber? in 2018? it's more likely than you think
  3. no firecrxxxx for you
  4. jelly asf tbh. cant get enough of that firecrust.
  5. Peanut butter and jealous. Is all this what pretty people fight over? What. A. Life.
  6. o am i pretty ?
  7. There was a pie chart proving this but I ate it
  8. Mood
  9. O mood eater
  10. Can i show a pic of my pizza ?
  11. If you add googly eyes 
    Pizza is love tho
  12. That better be some pizza with toppings or imma smack you.
  13. No
  14. ?
  15. what a moon
  16. i misread that as moron n almost cried

  17. Just cheese and sauce
  18. like mine?
  19. O donut cry plz ?
  20. now i want donuts