Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Wow feisty
  2. Im tempted to change my name. But i cant let any noobs get this name
  3. Lolololol cj u really posted it 
  4. Ok raf we have to match Avis now
  5. OMG Foreal.
    Which one of them aaalll
  6. I want the thottiest one and something that represents your lame gaming skillz ;)
  7. Like you in cod huh choppy fingers
  9. LOL CHOPPY FROM WHERE??!?!?867( ihy bye
  10. I could hear the button smashing bruh
  11. You're such a liar smh

    I still had a better score than u tho ? hmu
  12. Uhh no you didn't, breh

    Positive K/d = me all day
  13. Ok then we'll do 1v1 sniper rifles only ? your friends are loud and I don't speak Spanish so I only understand them like 50% of the time LOL
  14. Breh legit snipers are the locus and the svg breh none of that drakon mess
  15. For a second I thought WombRaider was talking to himself :lol:
  16. Drakon is considered a sniper y u hating ?
  17. Herself* :( and yeah he tried to steal my name bc it's so gr8
  18. Nahh cause it's basic


    Dragon = no skill