Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Should I repost it ?
  2. O wow, you have to pay just for something you can get for free
  3. Yeah apparently. It’s really unfortunate since photobucket was the easier one to use because you didn’t have to re upload pictures you’ve already downloaded. :(
  4. Well it’s a shame that they decided to make money off it
  5. Yeah you probably should, but use tinypic or imgur
  6. repost :3 :lol: thanks to -_A_-CareBearCrystal
  7. Cute but u need alot of practice to master that hero.
    If u know what I mean :)
  8. Thanks :lol: it is not actually my hero, it is someone's hahaha
  9. why no more boobs

  10. You're either very young or Asian. This is tough
  11. It's not my fault if my face always look "very young" ?
  12. I had a friend who I thought was asian for at least a week. Until I saw their face in one angle and asked, turned out they were like 100% French


  13. oh okay, not-young confirmed, hmu then ?

  14. Happy valentine's :>
  15. Happy valentine day to you too and no one will date you. Honest answer because face like that belong in kitchen
  16. Looks cute 
    Happy Valentine’s Day
  17. [​IMG]

    Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone 
    Love is in the air ?
  18. love in the air and it doesnt smell nice