Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1.  remember yo ex on here that catfish as you
  2. Don't even bring her up
  3. Ooh, did she arpee with another guy,?
  4. invite me over then and let me water you down with my squirt gun then
  5. She talk to girls on here and catfxshed as me  she hit up my best friend and my best friend told me she had my pics and been catfìshing as me. 
  6. o my  you’re welcome over anytime.
  7. Ok but the chocolate question
  8. O and that’s why you don’t send pics until you trust people properly
  9. Keep your chocolate shít out of this pls
  10. Chocolate is good, especially around Valentine’s Day JacoxJames
  11. Can you cut this shít out? It's not my fault he's always tryna talk to me. I've explained this on several other threads already
  12. Don’t be salty like McDonald’s fries <3
  13. Alli is cute
    r than Jaco

  15. I’m confused from the last sentence , any easy way of uploading a pic here ? ?
  16. Use imgur uploader app
  18. What do I have to copy ? I’m lost there lol
  19. I'm not salty, just tremendously disgusted