Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Oh my god I love it!
  2. Not Flocc, but bronco. Not my main, big alt. This is false information, but a mod won't ban you. See how I disappear and still get mentions? Rhetorical question. @Kefo no comment
  3. Anyway leave selfie thread if you're not gonna post anything of significant value you ugly parasite.
  4. I'm not ugly nor am I a parasite. I'll stop commenting as soon as lesser beings stop mentioning the GREAT one. - my word
  6. ok uninstalling :)
  7. Smh she’s ruining your name byte
  8. whats your issue? dont worry i'm changing it within a day anyway.
  9. I’m joking with him ....
    sorry you can’t detect sarcasm
  10. Aye don't bother my bb pls ty
  11. Request denied soz
  12. :(
  13. o sorry. its hard to detect sarcasm through text.
  14. But girl ily :(
  15. No you don't
  16. Sorry but we must end this affair, i have realized my heart truly lies with alicia. She's rude and mean 2 me but we have fun in pm :)
  17. O ily 2 ♡
  18. Wow... Nugget.

    That's pretty degrading tbh

    :( I'd degrade you so much better tho
  19. Hai stop tryna steal my gal pls