Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Bai asf
  2. People still argue on here? Lmao
  3. Surprise!!
  4. Arguing is lyfe
  5. bai sweetheart
  6. Hoe asf
  7. alicia is the creepiest bitch on the app, yea i reported the thread, whose dick did you suck to figure out?
  8. O another Up2NoGood crappy alt.
  9. These lowlife nubs never stop
  10. stop being obsessed with my nubby rs
  11. [​IMG]
    Just wanted to join in ??
  12. Just fixing the sizing
  13. Thank you 
  14. \(^~^)/ kawaiii
  15. how can you be a lowlife and not know what a lowlife is? cuz i ain’t no lowlife
  16. It's funny how you are so hella obsessed with me tho
  17. thought u were gonna stop posting at 1k? disappear again.
  18. Thankssss :)
  19. ? Cute you don't need a filter
  20. ? I'm feeling that door behind you highkey made me moist.