Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. If an ugly, crazy, depressed girl named Cherry, was mentioning you in slanderous ways off of here irl and on other social media, you would be agitated too.
  2. No i wouldn't, even if they played the game i wouldn't care either way too. I don't know anyone on here in person and they don't know me. point blank and simple. Besides i won't even remember most of you once im dead and gone from pimd anyhow.
  3. Pls don't die soon ty
  4. Thought you respected women
  5. LOL fr
  7. A girl is not to be confused wit a woman. And again, I apologize to anyone, except Cherry who may or may not be offended.
  8. He graces people with his presence whether summoned or not
  10. Awwwwhe is the "master troll" mad? 

    I'm sorry, I'll try not to trigger you anymore lol. I dont even try to troll you but it seems I do quite a good job lol. Cherry doesnt care what you say to her lol, it's not like someone like yourself will have any effect on her.

    My ex lover is a strong, independent white woman 
  11. Did my screenshots get deleted ?
  12. they got pushed back to second page on active topics 
  13. Found it, ty :D

    Anyway I think I'm done with the drama on this thread. We really are screwing it up.
  14. She's trailer park trash at best. You'd be mad too if a piece of shít like Cherry started slandering yo name irl. I'm not mad, I'm annoyed. Oh, I kno she cares. I try not to talk about anyone appearance, but she's disrespectful. Not only did she slander my name, she referred to Latinas as "Spanish bishes." How are you Mexican and not offended by dat? Spanish is a language, my guy. What she did was lowkey racist. That's like Hìtler when he said Jews are a race instead of a religion. I won't tolerate no nonsense or racism from someone like her. Fúck allat she's a girl, go easy on her bullshìt. Fúck dat. I'm not putting up wit it.

  15. I think you just inadvertently confessed to séxting with Latinas like she mentioned. She said nothing about Latinas... she said Spanish. You corrected her. Lol
    Also, Spanish women are women from Spain. You know, where Spanish originated? They are known as Spanish. People of Spain. Español. Española. Españoles (people, not the language) lol. Little lesson there for ya. Its not just a language....

    Also.... as I've stated and proved many times.... i dont get easily offended. I keep telling you time and time again, the "insults" you keep claiming I get offended by, dont offend me.

    I'm still laughing at your correction lol. "I dont séxt with Spanish bishes, they're Latinas! Get it right!"
  16. I thought this was a selfie thread why does it look like a courtroom lmao
  17. I didn't confess to any slanderous bullshít she said about me. Guess what, people from Spain call themselves Spaniards, but you wouldn't kno dat cause you're too busy kissing her ass. You did get upset, when I mentioned y'all break up tho. Oh, wait, I forgot, maybe she just lead you on and you think someday she won't just be using you. My fault, I forgot how people like you think
  18. Me getting upset over something that was never a thing..... lol okay