Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. In my feelings? Ahahahahahahaha
  2. But you’re not even roasting me, I’m just watching reruns of the Three Musketeers 
  3. Read your sentence
    :( It makes no sense
    like usual
  4. You can't count, lameass?
  6. My cock is longer than 6 meters shut your azz up
  7. James = Alicia, I counted correctly
  8. See a doctor tbh.
    You got some serious issues
  9. UP2NOGOOD =ifarmbigmouths3=LosersSuckAss
  10. Me, James, Alicia and Vash. That's four you idiot :lol:
  11. lolol
  12. Cuz my cock long? That’s an issue? And you still don’t think being a fucking loser with two accounts is an issue? 
  13. :lol:
  14. L2read
  15. Fixed
  16. Google how long is 6 meters :lol:
  17. 236 inches, don’t even gotta google it, learned this shit in elementary
  18. L2Count moron.
  19. That's why I said that he couldn't count
  20. you carry it in a bucket or something?? After rolling it a few times???