Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  2. Post a selfie
  3. I will bump mine lol
  4. Idgaf about you as long as you don’t blow up that bus Vash
  5. You're trying too hard lmao
  6. Not really, since she bumped this thread aswell as you did
  7. I’m not even trying, stop copying me
  9. As if I care?
    @up2nogood guy
  10. You want an 'insult'?
    You look like UP2NOGOOD
  11. James = Alicia, absolutely no doubt in my mind ??‍♂️
  12. That wasn’t an insult
  13. Better than “thar” though 
  14. Ohhh myyy god!!!!
    That's cyber bullying!!!
    Why would you do that to me???
  15. XDDDDD
  16. Then I’d have farmed you till you’re dtw on her account by now ??‍♂️
  17. As if you even have a mind
  18. James = Alicia, how does it feel like to be a pussy and have one too?
  19. Harsh
    it's true though
  20. But true