Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. #stopbuildingconfidence2017
  2. #HarambeIsAliveAfterAll2017
  3. #YouHaveLice
  4. #Didharambehaveaidsandlice?
  5. #YouMeanThoseRubberBandsFam?
  6. #HarambeWasHairyAsF
  7. #up2nogoodgetsnopu
  8. #WhyIsAVirginTalkingAboutPu
  9. Looks like really visible lice to me
  10. #ShutChoVirginAhhUpCallinOtherPeopleVirgins
  11. #igetalldatvirginpuandyoulooklikepoo
  12. #ImNotAVirginUglyHoe
  13. I gets that big black boon butt
  14. You probably smash all the other gorillas in the zoo
  15. You’re an ugly ass ape
  17. No to everything you just typed. You took the joke too far. PINEAPPLES. That's the safe word from now on.
  18. Kefo got all that hair on his face to hide his acne, which I wish were red dot sights
  19. You runnin outta things to say huh