If we are the same person, don't you think I would've farmed you by now? See where are the smart people. I miss trolling the smart asses
You should ask, before you assume. I don't bash anyone or insult anyone unless they do it to me first.
The other day I made a new gmail account, but that meant all my youtube activity history and preferences were deleted, so the algorithms were just throwing the most popular content at me. Ended up listening to Post Malone, Khalid, and logic. Logic's song about suicide and like Khalid's top 3 were nice But my favourite artist of those 3, among many others, was Post Malone. I'd only been listening to these musics in the background while playing Dwarf Fortress on my laptop so I hadn't actually seen the clips. Then I decided to check the video and watch it and saw Post's gold teeth and aesthetic, and was disgusted, i wondered if the music was even good, or if i hadn't been paying enough attention and just got off on it having a beat. Not wanting to be too prejudiced, I did some research on Post Malone, and discovered his collaborations with H3 and Ethan Klein and found myself grinning. I ended up binging on this content and am currently listening to a playlist of all his songs. I'd suggest watching some of those videos, they're quality. I'm thoroughly impressed and have a bunch of new songs to add to my main youtube account. Wins. Just thought I'd share.
I don’t get butthurt, you’re a pest, I have no doubt you’re the same IRL and it’s why you have no relationships