Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. For people on the internet too 
  2. LOL :lol: i didn't think you'd actually do it. that's funny af that you went back half a year to find this and roast my selfie, i'm honoured no one has ever been this dedicated at trying to insult me.
  3. You are just embarrassing yourself
    I'd disown you if I were your mom tbh
  4. This girl is cross eyed too smfh
  5. I know you put that hand up to distract us from that ugly ass face but it didn’t work just sayin
  6. Boobies smaller than Alicia’s future
  7. Never heard a variation of that before.......
  8. Now you're just acting obsessed with me :)
  9. If you say so ??‍♂️
  10. tbh, my 12 year old niece has roasted me better than this... like she actually made me cry once but this? this is just pathetic lmfao try harder.
  11. If you say so ??‍♂️
  12. Aww is the alpha male out of petty insults? :(
  13. You’re faking
  14. Why aren’t you roasting me back 
  15. I mean you're like burned black already. Cant get any more roasted
  16. Faking what? my selfies? LMAO thats genuinely the first time i've been accused of that. But wait, I Thought i was ugly? people usually fake attractive people my dude. So which is it? am i attractive or ugly? stop being flaky about my appearance.
  17. Naaah I’ve seen purple Africans
  18. Why you pretending like my posts won’t mess with your mind? 
  19. You’re pretty