Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

    Uhhh haven’t posted here in awhile
  2. You're cute
  4. Hi ur qt
  5. [​IMG]


    Smh Imgur mobile is trash brb

  6. r/RoastMe

    inb4 "caterpillar eyebrows" and "u need to use a lawn mower"
  7. Your lips might be worse than Aphrodite’s. L2put on makeup
  8. What happened to Trill House?
  9. Eh...that's a 'roast' ? Lol
  10. Still up could revive but lazy
  11. @Dangy
    Mow my lawn
    I love you
  12. Nobody is talking to you loser
  13. Recommend me a brand and shade.
  14. You’re still going on about my lips Pmsl
  15. You care enough to have used that Snapchat filter
  16. Lol I uploaded a photo I found funny. Yet here you are talking about my lips again on a separate thread.

    Your obsession is getting pathetic now ngl
  17. Filters are cute what's the deal this ain't Tinder.
  18. “False advertisement” ?

    Guess he wants to know who he’s truly rping with when he searches for his next obsession