Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. You could’ve atleast said “bump” ?

  2. A slightly more serious pic ? that wasnt taken in my undies at 1am in the morning
  3. ??‍♀️
  4. :( :( :( :( :( :(

    need new pup who loves me
  5. Holy... speechless ?.. your beauty is undescribable. ?
  6. Yeah but I can describe your vocabulary:
  7. how to post pics here lol haha xd teach these noob 
  8. Spare us the horror. I'm already petrified by this thread
  9. •Upload your photo on imgur, or photobucket or any similar websites.

    Use this code
    [imgfit*] post the link of pic[/imgfit*]

    NOTE:Take the 'asterisks'(*) out before posting.
  10. Photobucket will take down yo photos cause it doesnt like third party hosting if you do it too often so I use other ones
  11. You're being friendly? What's the catch?
  12. So you was posing fo no reason??
  13. Leave my Blair alone??
  14. Oh my ??
  15. Nice James.  how’re you liking the new realm?
  16. Yeah it’s alright, there’s no TF there though ??‍♂️
  17. *posts a selfie* love my sexiness ?
  18. This isn’t an arpee thread
  19. Nope, TF is with me 
  20. ☹️ you and TF are still Nubbies in my eyes