Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Will I be number 1??
  2. Omg, you are so annoying. When do I ever say that to a female? Listen, it's all about smoothness, wordplay, witty jokes, corny jokes, keeping it real and positive vibes. A female's smile is her most attractive attribute. Why you might foolishly ask... because a female's smile can change even the most ruthless, heartless criminal's mind set. A woman's touch can keep him out the streets. Also, everyone was inspired by me. Y'all keep jocking my drip, stealing my catch phrases and using my jokes.
  3. It depends. If you're talking about gold diggers, feminists, and girls who get pregnant fo child support money, then it's not so bad. But some women, do deserve the highest level of respect. Those who aren't promiscuous, don't gold dig, and work hard to have their own, do deserve a high level of respect. Now, if you're inferring dat about our generation... then sadly, I must agree. The older generations set fine examples of loyalty and how to be good role models... Our generation just wants to cheat, lie, and sleep wit everyone... and that itself is sad to observe. But you were out of line about the 30 year old woman
  4. Merch. You was at a photo shoot or some ish like dat?
  5. Why are you writing an essay 
  6. ooooh you so cute
  7. I'm a writer... idk, it's just natural to a ***** like me
  8. no lol my cousin shot this
  9. Your cousin a photographer?
  13. But those are some damn good edits
  14. arpee with me
  15. i just used the enlight app
  16. Well you certainly used that app correctly
  17. lol thank you