Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Rose I'll call you thorn cuz you ugly
  2. can y'all keep the thread on topic, it's meant for positivity not petty squabbling. take it to pm or nfs
  3. Oh honey, you can't break the confidence I have in how I look, keep tryin though ?
  4. Stop. Just leave it at that.
  5. I'm not trying to break anything, my response was impulsive
  6. [​IMG]

    Back to the main topic
  7. The pic was a little big, so I fixed it
  8. How about my dms?
  9. And up2nogood guy is just mad at women cos his mom was busy sleeping around with ugly fat men so she could raise him. Looks like her parenting skills weren't good
  10. I will not be sliding into anyone's dm's lmao
  11. slide into my tc then mami

  12. Well i can slide into yours xD jk
  13. Wow i never expected you to say something like that :lol:
  14. Go away

    You'll scare away all the cute gels
  15. rude af :(
    dont talk to me
  16. im sorry, didn't mean to hurt ur feelings :(
  17. Oh my ?, you’re looking great as per usual