Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. I bet you get no woman with that attitude
  2. She stated earlier in the thread that those mighty fine looking spectacles, is only an effect. So nice try using that as an insult.
  3. 10000 retweets and i change my name to spectacles :lol:
  4. This ain’t twitter nubby
  5. Spectacles wasn't an insult. moron.
    my goal in life is to hurt women not pick em up. i make them very insecure.

    Hey, there's this thing called a joke.
  7. Wow your mother must have done some very traumatic emotional and psychological things to you as a child, they have therapy for that sort of thing.
  8. and even then I'm more coherent and sane than you.
  9. if you really must know, women are insecure losers
  10. You’re saying that because you can’t get a women
  11. Oh my, don’t be a triggered little nubby
  12. idk why you kids act like ive never gotten laid ahaha
  13. It’s perhaps because you’re being disrespectful to women?
  14. yea nice logic
  15. I'm not triggered. Just tired of having you talk to me, If it wasn't clear i'd like you to leave me alone.
  16. Certainly beats your logic
  17. look kid you need to step outside, just one foot. make some amigos and don't depend on me for entertainment.
  18. Oh but you’re just such good entertainment, I don’t think I have seen anyone with such idiotic morals such as yours in a long time
  19. youre the biggest loser on the app
  20. :lol: