Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. At least you're cute lookwise
  2. so are u saying my personality isnt cute? ? idk i think im pretty nice at times.

  3. Haha I think you're pretty great
  4. Why? 
  5. Thank you. you're great too 
  6. It is what it is
  7. But i wanna know why lol like its fine, you're allowed to have an opinion but i mean you barely even know me. We've talked like once outside of forums and that wasn't even a proper conversation.
  8. I wasn't being serious
  9. well geez i can never tell with you :lol: sorry.
  10. Nice
  11. Nice
  12. Nice
  13. Nice
  14. On to the next thread ?
  15. where the riots @ though.
  16. and theboob️️
  17. Im just here for boobies
  18. What riots? O. o
  19. I agree with you both, you’ve got some fine taste in arpee it seems.