Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Not a lot has changed yet a lot has changed :lol:

  2. Me?
  3. She means you nubby
  4. No clue what she's tryna say
  5. Ya cause if that other thread you made ???‍♀️
  6. He’s made a new account, since his name was changed ?
  7. Yeah I'll be around for a while
  9. Beee
  10. I think she has posted around 200 selfies thus far.... She's pretty but the attention seeking tendencies make her undesirable[/quote]

    Oh yeah?  but I don't need your attention. It's selfie thread  are you insecure? Some people post selfie more than me but I'm the only one you noticed  and you don't even know how to read? I got 42 posts. Then you'll say 200? Gosh!  and where's your main? Don't hide [/quote]

    Pretty girls get butthurt fast. Another turn off[/quote]
    I think you are butthurt cause u dont have pretty face like her or even if u have ur jealous
  11. It's funny how y'all never showed up to defend the guy i said "you hurt my vision" to but you'd show up to defend a chick lmao..... Thirsty mfs
  12. My sister not chick as i said repect u noob
  13. Thats what you are... a jealous loner showoff kid who doesnt understand the meaning of friends.. maybe you never had one in your entire life lol
  14. I do agree with u on this?
  15. You're right. I get bored of ppl
  17. then stay alone... none asked for your comments, even that is an attention seeking thing... just move on
  18. Lol i think you're the one that needs to move on here..... I'll keep the comments going