I think she has posted around 200 selfies thus far.... She's pretty but the attention seeking tendencies make her undesirable[/quote] Oh yeah? but I don't need your attention. It's selfie thread are you insecure? Some people post selfie more than me but I'm the only one you noticed and you don't even know how to read? I got 42 posts. Then you'll say 200? Gosh! and where's your main? Don't hide [/quote] Pretty girls get butthurt fast. Another turn off[/quote] I think you are butthurt cause u dont have pretty face like her or even if u have ur jealous
It's funny how y'all never showed up to defend the guy i said "you hurt my vision" to but you'd show up to defend a chick lmao..... Thirsty mfs
Thats what you are... a jealous loner showoff kid who doesnt understand the meaning of friends.. maybe you never had one in your entire life lol
then stay alone... none asked for your comments, even that is an attention seeking thing... just move on