Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. I'm having trouble posting with both sites lol
  2. Stunning ?
  3. I agree with the filters part. No one here needs make up or filters. You should all feel beautiful without any of that... I have no comment on the second part of his statement.
  4. It isn't even to feel beautiful tbh, no one needs to do anything they choose to want to do it, so cant someone use something just cause they feel like it? It doesn't necessarily mean they use it to make themselves feel they look better. For me filters are fun and they're there to use soo ??‍♀️just my opinion though..
  5. Worrrddd
  6. Meh. I'm too lazy to try hard.
  7. got my warrior haircut 
  8. let ppl post selfies, let them be, you're not to judge them
  9. i only judge the idiots
  10. Try not to judge yourself so harshly
  11. 
  12. How does one upload an image?
  14. That spam filter is annoying 
  16. Best shoulders in town