Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Look shaggy IDK. Scooby just wants a snack
  2. Never set foot in a church as I'm not religious. Nice try go back to rp'ing please
  3. Aphrodite is a Greek goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure yet you cringe at art HA what a joke change ur name FOOL
  4. Aphrodike suits you better. Means to prevent flooding from the sea... so you own like 20 Aphrodite tuts but you're still an aphrodike ha
  5. You're absolutely adorable ?
  6. Sing the scooby-doo theme song lol
  7. Let's see your french face then

  8. My hair is a mess but so is my life ?
  9. I r8 perfect 5/7
  10. Gr8 reference ? love it
  11. You said to smile 

    Big hair today rip

  12. "Big hair dont care" gr8 selfie
  13. Send me the money and I'll do it God your trolling is just as bad as your flatline jokes
  14. I'll post later if you really want _:)з」∠)_
  15. who thought there is someone more annoying than kefo
  16. 2 of them, even.
  17. When ur trolling backfires and you get trolled, last resort, talk trash ?