Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. I know what your problem with me is. You want the courage to talk to women in flirtatious ways, and want them to return your affection, but you do not posses the courage nor the likeability. Just because I'm courageous enough to speak my mind and express the truth without faltering from pressure of the emotions people might display, doesn't mean that I'm a creep. With all due respect, we're both men here, don't hate, show love and let's encourage each other to be better. I do not rp at all. I don't think I'm better than girls, nor do I think that I'm always right. If anyone could post a screenshot of me rping, or a screenshot of me literally being a creep, then I will agree to your lies. On the other hand, since these screenshots requested are nonexistent, I'll confidently tell you to hold this, 'L,' and learn from this predicament.
  2. I'm actually married, so obviously my flirting and courage works fine. Good try. So you want me to go through 700 pages to find you being creepy, even though I'm not the first or last to call you it. But we're all wrong unless we're an "actual woman" right? And even then you won't believe what anyone said

    I find the posts on your wall creepy, as well as disrespectful to the women you love to praise. Just a short example, "You sloppy, saggy granny breast having pig". You just get on a phone app to slobber over or insult women? What a sad creepy life you and your imaginary brother have. Hold that L babycreepo
  3. 99 percent of the time when people say they're keeping it real, they're actually keeping it fake
  4. Is it? Idk  This look like typical Chinese
  5. I miss you, Flocci
  6. I'm selling popcorn
  7. Okay, I think you've all had your fun. Please take it to pm and stop making the thread go way off topic. ?
  8. #TruthBomb
  9. This thread isn't even about the pictures. It's about the #Lulz
  10. that's some yummy exposure you've got yourself there
  11. Come on guys, I'm just tryna see some qtpies


  12. Where the selfies at? 

  13. Here's one since I'm pretty sure my other one got lost in the argument 
  14. O la la Mami! ?
  15. I am lazy to read all those long word post  where all the nice selfie.

    This tread is selfie thread right. Bring those argument to pm pls ?
  16. Hi leave your rs for me 
  18. LOOOOOOOOOL!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL :lol: :lol:
  19. Delusional too according to the bold text. You're 10kcs in 3 months. You don't upgrade. You get on a phone app to stare at woman, and disrespect some on your wall. I like calling out creeps forums. Nothing desperate about it. If I was desperate I'd comment on every woman's selfie posted, something you like to do right? Take a seat boy. You ain't good at arguing. Creeping is your thing
  20. As a matter of fact, to describe how easy it was, it was easier than stepping on an ant. It's sad, how you're obsessed to keep screenshots from the beginning of the year anyways. You also say something slick to us, whenever we comment in campus chat. Also, I noticed that we both blocked you and cut you off due to your promiscuous activities, lies and fairness. You think you're making me look like some creep, but in reality, you're exposing yourself, and embarrassing yourself in the process. Sit down, be humble :lol: :lol: