Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. O and she did XD
  2. The conversation I was referring to was about that girl and her bracelet. Not the other thread.

    I voiced my opinion and then asked you to provide evidence to back up your statement that's hardly a conversation is it ?

    Why would I want to have a convo with someone who makes stupid statements like that 
  3. Mmmm okie dokie. Im just going by your words. You can easily change what those words meant if you want.  Have a glorious day goddess. Make sure Zeus removes that bolt from your rear end.
  4. What a beautiful end to Aphrodite Vs Little Red XO
  5. You've asked for receipts of you coming to me. I've provided them so now this is done.

    Next time don't say my ign unless you want me respond and show your ass up lol ??‍♀️ bye bye darling

  6. Lmao         
  7. All I got outta that is someone REALLY likes using gifs
  8. Not bad
  9. Thank you
  10. Opinions? Isn't that something Aphro can't withstand? 
  11. Oh wow mods haven't cleared the comments interesting ?️
  12. Thanks for this entertainment now I can continue being actively inactive and lurk again
  13. and gifs that dont work, at that
  14. Gifs are life
  15. I would be nothing without filters
  16. Love the bikini top 
  17. Forever 21?