Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Eyeliner on fleek !
  2. Wow, I'm so flattered
  3. No
  4. You're gonna kill everyone here. Be careful.
    P.S. I may already be dead.
  5. Was Aphrodite the goddess of salt? Lmao you look cute girl.
  6. If you wanna find out who Aphrodite is, then use google.

    Nice try at trying to be funny tho ! 2/10

  7. lol what
    unless ur making a reference to looks can kill
  8. You're a slow one aren't ya?
  9. Slow ?? You're the one taking hours to reply come on pick it up ?
  10. Having a life tends to take up a lot of your time.
  11. Or better yet you wouldn't be chasing me up on other threads to get attention️

  12. Lmao im not the one who got Salty over a joke. Nobody started anything because there isn't Anything. The truth is usually predictable. You're reaching for bait I never tossed.
  13. this thread has become too dangerous for kefo
    kefo please leave the toilet already
  14. Wheres the beef???
    Last I checked you responded to my post on another thread. Please show me where I came to you.

  15. Ok so explain this. I was talking to you on another thread separate to this and yet here you are @ing my ign lol.

    You started it here I never mentioned you at all before this 
  16. Don't come here trying to stunt and then retreat when I start pulling you up on it. I was talking to another person, not you. It's not like you made a statement and I assumed it was about me. You said my ign 

    Clearly you got threads mixed up darling as you still haven't provided evidence for your broad statement of "all high stat players follow each other". So now you come here wanting attention

  17. Regardless if it's a joke or whatever you wanna paint it as. You said my ign, I'm gonna respond. So if you don't want me to reply don't say my ign. Simple as that lol


    Now mods clear all the comments away like you normally do lol ! ?
  18. My post and you trying to have a conversation. That "conversation" we were having never happened because i made it clear i didnt care to speak to you  retreat where baby? Im right here
  19. this is actually entertaining. Pls continue :')
  20. Okie dokie