Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Fixed again
  2. Uploads a selfie but can't reply to my question. K
  3. Please, don't steal my king
  4. Probably too late
  5. Not that she cant, just doesnt want to.
  6. Congrats you stated the obvious well done to you. You feel good now ?
  7. Just to help everyone out
  8. If you keep ur king happy then i wont lol
  9. You guys are so DRAMATIC.
  10. This isn't a safe space. It is THE DANGER ZONE
  11. You're the reason I sleep without pants at night
  12. Much Asian
    Very yellow

  13. I take back what I said about the lil hills, they're like decent sized mountains ?
  14. Well censored