Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Trust me I don't look any better without it lol

  2. noob sayin' hello for a short lil bit.
  3. Well hello nub
  4. Hello there ๎‚
  5. Yous fit
  6. Hi. Nice car interior.
  7. Thank you hun!
  8. Thanks

  9. lil selfie update?
  10. Gorgeous ๎„†
  11. Hot

  12. Lemme post one last time cuz im finally leaving :) bai beautiful ppl <3
  13. Goodbye my lover
    Goodbye my friend
  14. ๎’?

  15. Let's not focus on that giant spot in the middle of my head๎’
    Or how I'm not looking at the camera?
    But hi again
  16. dear kefo, i see many pretty ladies who you havent kissed their butts yet
  17. U ugly
    You are scaring people

  18. Well I guess since other people are doing multiple and keeping this going? Whatevs