Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. With a hint of steroids
  2. Thank you! 
  3. Thank you so much 
  4. 10 months of gains and you didn't gain the knowledge of using imgfit in stead of img... Tsk tsk tsk
  5. Hawt 0.0
  6. you're welcome *.*
  7. Lol. 70% of the world is covered by water. Have a sip now and then to quench your thirst.
  8. Absolutely right kefo  as for xeraphim, you have no idea how to tell if someone is taking anabolics or not but haters gonna hate  come back to me when your total is over 1000 pounds then talk 

    Deadlift: 605 lbs
    Bench: 335 lbs
    Squat 435 lbs

    Total: 1375 lbs
  9. O M G
    Ur so kool,
  10. You love it.
  11. [​IMG]

    I woke up like this, was hoping to wake up to an actual cat...I guess my summoning skills were incorrect
  12. Need to focus on shape a bit more, assuming you are just doing a body part per day, you look like a square, start doing compound movements

  13. IKR i love it when weight lifters feel so coooooool and super strong but get knocked out by someone who actually knows how to fight
  14. You'd totally rock a Potato sack :lol:
  15. Fight him jopo, I believe in you 
  16. Since you're total is over 1k does that mean you can lift my fat ass? ?
  17. You look like a square ?what