Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. So do you

  2. Please stay away from Crystal. She's too bae for you Jaco.
  3. Them eyes ?
  4. 
  5. *beyonce voice* god damn, god damn, god DAMN
  6. warrior spirit ????
  7. Oh my gosh I'm sweating after seeing your scrawny body 
  8. he has... i have too, and i agree w him ?? only cuz you rude as hell
  9. nobody's talking to you ? you want attention and chances are you're not attractive enough for it

  10. Winston said keep it positive...
  11. Please, refrain from doing that. If you like her, then you like her. Don't worry about me, worry about you
  12. [​IMG]

    I broke out my red white and blue bow today.
    Happy Memorial Day weekend ️
  13. i dont need your permission to speak ? my attractiveness has nothing to do w whether you're rude af, which you are
  14. My life 
  15. [​IMG]

    Cause I'm old and addictions are life
  16. Bad Cherry 
  17. LOL SMH
  18. [​IMG]
    I hope this worked ??