Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. 5/10 would bang if desperate
  2. Lolol, I swear it's not what you think XD it's a joke between my bff and I XD and I have it there as a dare XD in truth is just s very clever star wars joke XDD
  3. I agree^^
  4. *gasp* what desperate times then!
  5. Ew I just read the status as well
  6. That's rp. Sorry but I know how to add one and one and your status isn't a joke. Where there is smoke I pray there will be an extinguisher.
  7. Sorry I meant to say,
    "You don't have max plunder"
    15m for every kcs of your base stats...
  8. Validate my dressing gown pls

  9. Congrats on the big 4200! Insert dank meme here
  10. Good time to quit tbh. I'm going to ruin it by replying now

  11. 69/69
  12. Ignore her lmao

  13. A new and improved selfie ️
  14. Alice lookin fine as usual
  15. I love your hair