Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. That I understand. I've met some pretty amazing people on here that I enjoy talking with
  2. There ya go, you forgot to put fit after IMG ?

  3. I finally did it! ? Makeup can do wonders 
  4. Who hasn't said they're going inactive and came back again? Tbh
  5. Happy Belated?
  6. Seems kind of conceited to only look at the selfie thread to post your own picture..
  7. Oml I didn't mean it that way
  8. And with that, you gave the real reason why ya stayed.
  9. If you can't take those negative comments, you should not be here. Welcome to forum. ?

  10. Egghead trex is back after a month ban.
  11. Omg how did you get a month ban ?
  12. Spam/inappropriate content

    Can't remember what I did tho
  13. O you the person who says I fish for compliments
    Hi honey
  14. ??
  15. Probs would
  16. Go on then