Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. How come my image comes up too big ?
  2. Use [ imgfit ] instead of img (without the spaces by the brackets)
  3. Oh damn gurl
  4. Wish I had like a 1/4 of her beauty ?
  5. Baddie ️
  6. ???
  7. You have 4/1 ?
  8. I think that's a compliment?
  9. So pretty, turning all the straight girls lesbian ??
  10. Taking the word "selfies" literally. Sc filters suck too. Still cute tho 
  11. Lemme guess, sc filters were unable to enhance that ugly face of yours?
  12. Roast my dog

    (not really a selfie)
  13. Not as cute as you
  14. More like I'm sick of girls thinking they're ugly when they're already gorgeous af without the filter  nice try though
  15. Hella smooth and hella true
  16. Dawww she's a 10/10 though
  17. Your dog 