Oh the things I could say about you cherry Side note: It was proven that I'm not a catfish multiple times you nonce ?
If I ever care about what a insecure middle aged woman claims about me to be real or fake I'll let you know. ?? Okay muffin ??
Don't care enough to post twice ??? lmao. And it's been proven multiple times the people you post on selfie threads are not you, you nonce. Perhaps you need to go back to school however because I'm not near middle aged yet. So maybe you show people who you really are in private, who knows. But as for what you post on forums and in selfie threads, yes you are a catfish. And in fact even admitted to being one, you claimed it was a "joke" remember? ?
Nice excuse lol. Everyone that frequented forums back then can confirm you tried to catfish, and once discovered joked about it.
I'll leave you elderly ladies to it then ? Have fun claiming that people are catfishes on a game Hope you find a better use for your lives ??
Makes a claim. Doesnt back it up. Catfishes and pretends to be someone he's not. Says we need better use for our lives. Kay