Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

    workout life of a kickboxer
  2. Fixed it
  3. I died :')
  4. My eyes "tell stories", dontcha know?
  5. [​IMG] #BathroomSelfie :lol:
  6. Nice selfie ?
  7. How low are your nipples
  8. Higher than your self-esteem.
  9. O damn
  10. go kiss some catfish butt
  11. Almost felt something but then I remembered it's Kefo and he gets triggered easily
  12. Duh... my name says that I'm obvi not dusty :p
  13. a selfie
  14. I posted a while back, that counts:p
  15. What I said didn't even make any sense.. Idk what your ego is like. 
    Nor would I judge you for having a small one.
  16. It feels weird to become active again after a 3 month hiatus :lol:
    I missed you guys ?
  17. But your showcase shows you were around last 3 months. But whatever makes your caption interesting I guess
  18. Shh pilots aren't a thing
  19. Where art thou cute guys.