Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Anyway, back on track, pretty recent selfie which I dont do too many of

  2. Couple words? You wrote a whole paragraph on me. Do you even read what you write? :lol:
  3. you're not rustling anybody's jimmies with that face boy don't flatter yourself, I just don't like it when losers think they're funny
  4. So how do i delete my photo?
  5. He only wrote four sentences. A paragraph is usually 5 to 6, unless you're going by high school standards.
  6. never mind the face insult but aye them paragraphs are the only things making you relevant
  7. He wrote 11 sentences actually and are you going by preschool counting?
  8. Are you Jaco?
  9. No, I am clearly Jason
  10. 4 sentences. Dont know what you mean by "on me" I've no idea who you are.
  11. Edit it and delete the code.
  12. Clearly there are 4 periods. I'm sorry you don't understand the concept of a sentence that's longer than 6 words.
  13. Hey nub nub, that's not even what I was talking about 
  14. lol do you even pay attention or do you just type stuff cos you can? 
  15. Hmm. Sorry, not good enough. I had better roasts on the #RoastMe threads. Good try tho
  16. Jason, sentences and lines are not the same thing.

    Can you please ask your mother to sue your English teacher? We don't need more of you in the next generation.
  17. Again, no clue what you're talking about, Jason.

    "He wrote a whole paragraph on me" if I knew who you were then I'd have a better understanding. Regardless I was not talking to or about you. Dont know when you thought this became about you instead of Jaco..

    But okay
  18. Wait I'm so sorry I got the names mixed up, it was jaco not jopo that wrote the paragraph on meh 