Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. No...  It was a joke. I guess she's normal.
  2. Kefo, you're in no position to be calling other people ugly.
  3. Pickles is on fire today. 
  4. I'm sweet and sour. Depends.
  5. kefo please, stop kissing alexis butt
  6. Fanboy ? is angry
  7. I don't kiss it. You just wish that was the reason you can't get close to hers . All I did was tell pickles to shut up and now I'm a kiss ass? Wot
  8. Hahahaha. Quality meme
  10. her wall tho idiot
  11. He requested she post another so he can compliment her on it. Yet, if she's a fake, even funnier.
  12. Doesn't make me a kiss ass mate. That makes me a friend.
  13. Alexis should post a fan sign.

    If you ask her to, she won't because she doesn't have to prove to us that she's an absolute fake. 
  14. Let me help you build stats brah.
  15. LOL. Loved the last line.
  16. kefo you are butt sniffer
  17. Done with all of you  You're too much. Trying to bully me, call me ugly. Think I'm kissing ass when I'm just their friend. Trying to make out that she's a catfish when clearly she isn't. Just stop. It's a joke already.
    Suggesting that every female in value VIP is hot and has a sugar daddy...

    Just stop 
  18. cry me a river
    sorry im cyber bully