Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. post a selfie
  2. Go through the older pages. You'll see my responses
  3. Go through the older pages. You'll see my responses[/quote]
    He is to selfe conciouse to post a selfie, i have tried many times to try and get him to.
  4. Wrong word, incorrectly spelled word, lowcased "I" by itself, which ultimately ends in a sentence fragment... Well technically a run-on sentence, and no. Here's a thought. Why not have a female tell you her opinion on my appearance instead? You failed to quote me BTW. More failure. Mac, why do you fail to diss me so much? Please try harder next time
  5. Oml,why are you everywhere? ?
  6. He likes to be centre of attention duh
  7. I'm not, n how you gone say no to me #FreeJaco campaign? Do you kno what it's like when I'm unsilenced? Lmao
  8. No, I don't. I just be in da cut lowkey
  9. You misspelled "and" its not "n" and "know" its not "kno" and lastly that whole sentence "n how you gone say no to me ​ campaign?" Is so wrong. I dont even have to diss you jaco, you diss yourself with your lack of intelligence. Gg wp
  10. Y'all sound like two ex-lovers who can no longer stand each other.
  11. LOL you guys are so ridiculous  jeez
  12. Mac just can't leave Jaco alone. It's like he's eager to know what he looks like irl so he can get better sleep
    Buwbuw likes this.
  13. Ayeee, boi, I only speak properly so you goofies can understand me. Why you bothering me anyways?
  14. No. Stop right there. Nowadays everyone curves, does squiggly lines and whatnot, but I am straight. I don't turn in any way or direction fo no one.
  15. Thank you
  16. Watch these spastics get the thread locked
  17. I just want to see cuties and y'all ruining that for me. 
  18. Damb straight, i havent slept good in weeks
  19. One can only hope