Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Same Bronco
  2. Wow..not sure if i butchered that, or choose a bad one to anyone?
  3. Next time do
  6. My sister accidentally swallowed her tongue ring a few days ago 
  7. You're better without it pierced lmao. It gets in the way of direct contact?????
  8. Less talky more selfie
  9. Jaco selfie pls
  10. Bruh :lol:
  11. [​IMG]

    Here is me. Is have contacts in. My eyes are normally brown
  12. You posted it twice fam
  13. Again, people on here have seen me already. If you want to see me pm me for arrangements, although you're blocked on my other alt so I wouldn't associate wit you lmao
  14. This was meant for everyone
  15. No just him
  16. Jaco is like a second Meg. Except Meg was actually funny and had enough balls to post a selfie.
