Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. How much does the handle weigh on yours? 👀 I got it from a specialty shop
  2. I’ve had it for years so I don’t quite know
  3. Jesus christ on a stick. Pull it back on topic people. 🤦🏼‍♀️
  4. [​IMG]

    Find out next month if I'll post a better selfie of my face or not. Lmao you're welcome.
    Rizky and Manic like this.
  5. Arent you black too? Then you also look like some goblins gave birth to you and roasted your ass in a pit. Shut your mouth and siddown
    Sirrracha and ltachi like this.
  6. *sit
  7. wait how do u post pics now
    Callipygian likes this.
  8. I came back to see wassup?
    Did the drama end? 👀
  9. [​IMG]

    I'm not dead, I'm still trash, and now I have a nicotine addiction. It's been a wild year folks
    Rizky and PapiLovesHisTequila like this.
  10. Oh God! 😵
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  11. Wow you're still Asian?
  12. Yeah, duh. But good observation.
    Callipygian and Brittany like this.
  13. When do you plan to stop
  14. Whenever your parole officer tells me it’s ok.
  15. But who's on parole 🥴
  16. Welcome back
    -_A_-CareBearCrystal likes this.
  17. This is clearly racist as there's also a thing known as sensitive lightskin niggas who are also black.

    I look like DaddyShrimpDick. I ain't got no buffet, but I can keep a mf full for 9 months.

    But frfr, don't worry about me, peon. Nothing pertaining to me has anything to do with you.

    And how you gone like his corny ass post Jopo💀💀