Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Weren't we a throuple at one point? We just forgot to invite you when we took that pic
    ltachi and Muschi like this.
  2. Forums power thruple
    ltachi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.
  3. But Wednesday what about our scandalous marriage?
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  4. I should be sent to the nunnery with how much i have apparently gotten around πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ
    ltachi, Manic and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  5. I think you even tried to jokingly marry ate em once
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  6. He thought I was serious, though, poor dude's still waiting at the altar
    ltachi, Maddi_Matsu and Muschi like this.
  7. Rice looking daddy af πŸ₯°πŸ˜±
    SomePuertoRicoGuy likes this.
  8. [​IMG]
  9. I literally laughed aloud and choked on my drink at this. πŸ˜‚
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  10. It's unfortunate that Period Blood Head will be short-lived cuz I spent a good 5 minutes cracking up πŸ€” Pube Hair it is
  11. I-

    …that doesn’t even make sense
  12. Her hair will look like pubes if she keeps dying it. It's more of a prediction for the near future. Insert laughter here
  13. Leave the trolling to me smh
    Muschi likes this.
  14. The forum community hasn't had a decent troll in years
  15. They all grew up LMAOOO
    Muschi and ForeverAlice like this.