Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. Dude youre my toy omg
    Alicia and MiniMinx like this.
  2. Dying hair and mental illness- what is the correlation here? Lmao

    I'd love to pick your brain about your other theories. What else qualifies as signs of mental illness to you? I assume you don't consider lashing out at strangers on the internet a sign because I hate to break it to you but... 😬
  3. In my professional opinion, you should probably medicated. Heavily. Especially if you want that stick removed from your anus
    Alicia, rejector, Victoria and 3 others like this.
  4. Damn it I hate it when ugly weirdos try to talk about what I do
  5. Hey shut it fat boy. I won't talk to you too much cuz you'll prolly eat my words too
  6. I could get "ugly weirdo" tattooed on my forehead and still not be as offputting to strangers as you are but okay.
  7. Eating words is good for vocabulary.
    Alicia, MiniMinx, __Cece__ and 4 others like this.
  8. I hear getting anything removed from your anus requires you to be heavily sedated anyway. But idk, his seems a bit too deeply lodged in there. 😬
    Muschi likes this.
  9. If I knew I didnt have to pay bills to live inside your head I woulda came a lot sooner. A toy? If I'm a toy then you're a piano
  10. I’ll be your B flat baby
    MiniMinx likes this.
  11. Go edit another picture of me for the next 3 hours you're highly irrelevant
  12. [​IMG]
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  13. Oni's a man with the confidence of a bitch
  14. Lmao That pic is Ate_em? Oof.
  15. Buy a custom shirt that uses the words "ugly weirdo" as stripes
  16. [​IMG]
  17. It will take some time to recover, but we expect a lot of anal leakage which will require a large amount of adult diapers to maintain.
    Muschi and Sherily like this.
  18. I request a Hailey selfie, I have not seen one in a while
    Muschi and Sherily like this.
    Alicia, MiniMinx, Muschi and 3 others like this.
  20. Seconded.
    Sloth, Muschi and WhoTfIsWesday like this.